7,000円以上のご注文で送料無料 (同ショップ内)


Om Swastyastu...

はじめまして。*Sari Bumi*です。



どうぞ ごゆっくりとご覧ください。

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om...

Welcome to *Sari Bumi*!

I handcraft Bali-themed original
accessories with natural stones and beads made from the fruits of Rudraksha (utrasum bead trees),as well as eraser-stamped and hand-sewn goods.

All items are delivered to you from Bali,on the breeze of the island.
Please take your time to look around.
I hope you will find that special something you have been looking for!

The shipping fees shown here are for Japan.
Shipping to other countries is also
Please send me a message for more details.

Thank y♡u !!!

  1. トップページ
  2. ショップ一覧
  3. *Sari Bumi*のショップ
  4. *Sari Bumi*のプロフィール