

I love the fact that the clay is not able to return to its natural state after firing, which seems to confine the selfish eternity of man. I also use a variety of other materials depending on the expression. I use them with care as they are limited resources.
I like to think about the relationship between something and something else, between freedom and bondage, the individual and the group, the star and the seed, history and myself, from each standpoint, comparing and reversing their positions.
Much of the ceramic work is based on the reversal of position between livestock used by humans and birds flying freely in the sky.



  • ★★★★★

    連絡が遅くなってしまい、申し訳ありませんでした。 素敵な作品、ありがとうございました。

  • ★★★★★

    思った通り素敵なフォルム 手で触った感じも良いです さっそく壁に掛けてみました

  1. iichi ハンドメイド・クラフト作品・手仕事品の通販
  2. ショップ一覧
  3. 木村のぞみのショップ
  4. 木村のぞみのプロフィール